These buttons are wired up to events to appear when a move is made, and use the Leaflet-History API to make the map move.
var map ='map').setView([51.505, -0.09], 13); var $customBack = $('#custom-back').click(function(){ //invoke the back manually, has all the same functionality as clicking the standard buttons. mapHistory.goBack(); return false; }); var $customForward = $('#custom-forward').click(function(){ //invoke the forward manually, has all the same functionality as clicking the standard buttons. mapHistory.goForward(); return false; }); //these events can be used to manage your own external buttons map.on('historybackenabled', function() { $; }); map.on('historybackdisabled', function() { $customBack.hide(); }); map.on('historyforwardenabled', function() { $; }); map.on('historyforwarddisabled', function() { $customForward.hide(); }); L.tileLayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { attribution: '© OpenStreetMap contributors' }).addTo(map); var mapHistory = new L.HistoryControl({ useExternalControls: true }).addTo(map);